What is stopping you from creating a course? Overwhelm and the fear of the unknown, doubting your expertise, fear of failure, tech overwhelm, perfectionism, time? 

YEP! Me too. And, heck, I am an instructional designer…I know how to create a course! Right?!! But for a long time, I never made time for it, didn’t know what content to include (I have a lot of concepts in my head) or how to market it, and wondered, “will anyone buy it?” 

It wasn’t until I took Amy Porterfield’s Course Confident bootcamp and then progressed to her Digital Course Academy that I created that digital course and experienced a very successful launch for my Virtual Meeting Academy. And, you can never hear her expertise enough, so I have continued to use her framework every time I launch a new course and found tremendous success. 

Let’s dive into the common obstacles that stop people from creating a digital course and why Amy Porterfield’s Course Confident Bootcamp, priced at $47, might be exactly what you need to finally bring your course to life.

  1. Overwhelm and Fear of the Unknown

One of the biggest reasons people hesitate to create a digital course is the overwhelming feeling of not knowing where to start. BTW…THIS WAS ME!!! 

The questions pile up: What topic should I choose? How do I structure the course? What technology should I use? The fear of the unknown can be paralyzing.

Amy Porterfield understands this all too well. In her Course Confident Bootcamp, she breaks down the entire process into manageable, bite-sized steps. By guiding you through each phase, from selecting a course topic to outlining the content and choosing the right platform, Amy ensures you’re never left guessing what to do next. She transforms overwhelm into a clear, actionable plan.

  1. Doubting Your Expertise

Imposter syndrome is real, and it’s one of the most common barriers to creating a digital course. You might think, “Who am I to teach this? There are others out there who know more than I do.” This self-doubt can be a dream killer if you let it.

But here’s the truth: your unique experiences and perspective are exactly what make your course valuable. Amy’s bootcamp helps you uncover your “sweet spot”—the intersection of your passion, expertise, and what your audience truly needs. With this clarity, you’ll gain the confidence to move forward, knowing that your voice matters and that there’s a specific group of people who need to hear from you.

  1. Fear of Failure

The thought of putting time, energy, and resources into a course only for it to flop is enough to make anyone hesitate. What if no one buys it? What if the content doesn’t resonate?

Amy tackles this fear head-on in the bootcamp by helping you validate your course idea before you even start creating it. By teaching you how to understand and connect with your Ideal Customer Avatar (ICA), Amy ensures that your course is built around the real needs and desires of your audience. This approach not only reduces the risk of failure but also increases the chances of your course being a hit from the get-go.

  1. Tech Overwhelm

The technical side of creating a digital course can be daunting. From setting up a website to navigating course platforms, the tech requirements can feel like a major roadblock.

In Course Confident Bootcamp, Amy simplifies the tech aspect. She provides step-by-step instructions on choosing and setting up the right tools, so you don’t have to be a tech wizard to create a polished, professional course. Her approach is designed to empower you with the know-how to handle the tech without it becoming a stumbling block.

  1. Perfectionism

Many aspiring course creators get stuck in the trap of perfectionism. You might feel like everything needs to be flawless before you can launch, but this mindset can delay your progress indefinitely.

Amy’s bootcamp encourages you to embrace progress over perfection. She shares practical strategies to get your course out into the world without endless tweaking and second-guessing. The focus is on delivering value to your audience, even if it’s not perfect from day one.

Why You Should Take Amy Porterfield’s Course Confident Bootcamp

If any of these obstacles resonate with you, Amy Porterfield’s Course Confident Bootcamp is the solution you’ve been looking for. The bootcamp is designed to walk you through every step of the course creation process with clarity and confidence. You’ll be equipped with the tools, strategies, and mindset shifts needed to overcome the barriers that have been holding you back.

Amy’s proven approach has helped thousands of entrepreneurs launch successful digital courses, and it can do the same for you. By the end of the bootcamp, you’ll not only have a clear plan for your course but also the confidence to make it happen.

Don’t let fear, doubt, or overwhelm keep you from sharing your knowledge and transforming lives. With the right guidance and support, you can turn your course idea into reality. The Course Confident Bootcamp is your first step on that journey. 

Are you ready to take it? I promise it will be a $47 well spent. The class starts soon, so get enrolled now.