While eLearning courses can be incredibly effective, they are only as good as the eLearning course design behind them. Working with a professional team of course creators, like Zenith Performance Solutions, can ensure that you avoid these common eLearning course design mistakes.

6 eLearning Course Design Mistakes

  1. Losing Your Focus: When you’re starting the course design process, it’s easy to get excited about all of the possibilities and lose your focus on the overarching goal. Before you start the course design, make sure that you have clear objectives and goals and that you are CLEAR on what you want the learner to be able to DO as a result of the course. Defining these early will help to inform what the best eLearning course design is.
  2. Making Lengthy Modules: One of the best things about eLearning courses is that they make it simple to convey a large amount of information to your employees. However, that doesn’t mean all of that information should be packed into a single module or unit! When working on your eLearning course design, remember that bite-sized information that is clear and focused is easier for learners to consume and apply than information overload.
  3. Rushing Content Creation: Content creation is one of the most important parts of eLearning course design. Graphics and on-screen visuals are a key part of getting the story across, but the content should be highly focused, carefully crafted and relevant to the subject of the module. Rushing the content and copy creation can lead to a finished project that looks great but that doesn’t get your point across.
  4. Not Utilizing Multimedia Tools: Learners pick up information in many different ways, and only including one type of media in your eLearning course design can leave some learners left out. Try to integrate multimedia tools and use graphics, video, audio and other types of content to educate and inform.
  5. Skipping the Assessment: Your most valuable source of feedback on your eLearning course design is the people taking the course. Pay close attention to feedback that you receive, assessment results and post-course surveys. These are a window into whether or not information is being absorbed by the employees taking the course.
  6. Non-Inclusive Design: Inclusive design starts with accessibility and extends to ages, races, and genders. Today, our eLearning development tools make it so easy to ensure that our eLearning courses are accessible. Our course design should put accessibility at the forefront. Good resources to refer to include the WCAG standards and the individual eLearning tool-specific documentation. Additionally, eLearning needs to be designed for all learners. It needs to remove as much bias as possible and speak to learners of all ages, races, and genders.

Transform Your Training in 2021 with Help from Zenith Performance Solutions

Zenith Performance Solutions wants to transform the ways that you and your employees learn and help motivate your employees. We offer a comprehensive range of training course design services, including updating existing courses and consulting. We work with companies of every size to create innovative and instructionally sound materials that boost employee performance and satisfy your objectives. To learn more, please contact us by calling (970) 409-4013.