Virtual Instructor-Led Training Best Practices

Virtual Instructor-Led Training Best Practices

COVID-19 has fast-tracked many companies toward virtual instructor-led training (vILT) to move their existing employee training into the digital realm. Virtual instructor-led training can connect learners throughout the country safely, lower your training costs and...

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4 Strategies for Leading Virtual Teams

4 Strategies for Leading Virtual Teams

Managing remote employees can be challenging, and many business owners are trying to do so for the first time as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. If you find yourself responsible for leading virtual teams, there are unique strategies you should employ to get the...

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Choosing the Best Virtual Platform for Your Needs

Choosing the Best Virtual Platform for Your Needs

COVID-19 has presented businesses with many obstacles, but one of the biggest ones for some has been doing everything virtually. Thankfully, Zenith Performance Solutions has been there, done that and has plenty of experience as a result, so we can help you to select...

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Zoom Fatigue Is a Growing Problem, But There’s Hope!

Zoom Fatigue Is a Growing Problem, But There’s Hope!

At Zenith Performance Solutions, like many other companies, we’ve found ourselves turning to Zoom to replace all of the interactions we would typically have in-person. It’s been an invaluable tool during the COVID-19 pandemic, as meeting in person is unsafe and...

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5 Tips for Building Relationships When Working Virtually

5 Tips for Building Relationships When Working Virtually

Remote work presents numerous challenges to businesses and team members, and one of the biggest ones is building relationships. It’s much more difficult to keep in touch and build authentic connections when you are limited to virtual interactions. However, difficult...

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Facilitating an Effective Virtual Meeting

Facilitating an Effective Virtual Meeting

If your business, like many others throughout the United States and the world, is experiencing changes to your operations due to COVID-19, we are here to help. One of the best ways to stay engaged with your employees is through virtual meetings. There are thousands of...

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Why Working Sessions Are Critical Before Building Content

Why Working Sessions Are Critical Before Building Content

What is the most critical step of the eLearning course creation process? If you’re like many business owners, you will answer that question with “creating the content!” However, the most important step comes before that—working sessions. Working sessions, when...

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