The Best Ways to Interview Employees Remotely During Social Distancing
COVID-19 has forced all businesses to adapt to new ways of doing things, including how we hire new employees. Typically the interview process would consist of a face-to-face meeting with you or a group of other management and HR professionals. However, social...
The Best Way to Interview Employees Who Will Be Working Remotely
When you interview prospective employees to fill a position at your company, numerous questions that seem obvious for in-person work are less relevant for people who will be working remotely. And today, more than ever, our clients have been asking, what do I need to...
5 Tips for Building Relationships When Working Virtually
Remote work presents numerous challenges to businesses and team members, and one of the biggest ones is building relationships. It’s much more difficult to keep in touch and build authentic connections when you are limited to virtual interactions. However, difficult...
Facilitating an Effective Virtual Meeting
If your business, like many others throughout the United States and the world, is experiencing changes to your operations due to COVID-19, we are here to help. One of the best ways to stay engaged with your employees is through virtual meetings. There are thousands of...
Strategies for Creating a Storyline Template Repository for Your Team
Templates are critical time-savers when you are creating e-learning content. Instead of needing to create your course from scratch every time, you can utilize your own custom template filled with animations, placeholders, interactions, and objects. Once you have a...
Why Working Sessions Are Critical Before Building Content
What is the most critical step of the eLearning course creation process? If you’re like many business owners, you will answer that question with “creating the content!” However, the most important step comes before that—working sessions. Working sessions, when...
How Whiteboarding in a Webinar Can Bring Your Courses To Life
We’ve all been there: sitting in a webinar watching passively as a presenter clicks to his or her 19thPowerPoint slide just for you to see more bullets, more text, and maybe a stock photo to keep it “interesting.” You were fascinated by the topic at first, but now...
Could eLearning Help Educate Your Employees on Cyber Security?
One of the most pressing concerns that many business owners have today is the threat of hacking, information being compromised or ransomware. Cyber crime has been on the rise year after year, and the criminals aren’t just targeting big companies. Instead, they are...
Turning Your Boring Content Into Exciting eLearning Content
One of the biggest challenges companies face when creating eLearning content is making it exciting for the learner. Everyone knows that a learner who is highly engaged is more likely to retain information and have a positive experience, so how can you transform boring...
Are You Prepared for the End of Adobe Flash?
Adobe Flash first entered the market on January 1, 1996. While the program is now old enough to drive and vote, it is also old enough to retire. Microsoft is ending support for Adobe Flash on December 31, 2020. What does that mean for your eLearning courses? Learn...
The Differences Between Personalized and Adaptive Learning
At Zenith Performance Solutions, we are always looking for the newest and best ways to teach your employees. Personalized learning and adaptive learning are two of the newest and most popular ways to teach and train while acknowledging that learning is not a...
Using Video-Based Learning for Your eLearning Training
Everyone knows that videos are one of the most successful ways to communicate and entertain at the same time. However, did you realize that video-based learning is one of the most compelling ways to train your employees? Statistics back it up. A whopping 59% of senior...