Hello, friends!

Life has this way of nudging us into new phases, sometimes unexpectedly, but often just when we need a fresh perspective. With Teagan now in her junior year and Taylor starting her freshman year, the house has grown quieter. Luna, our ever-energetic black lab mix, and I have enjoyed longer hikes, but lately, I’ve been pondering: How can I make the most of this new chapter?

The empty nest phase, while bittersweet, offers a unique opportunity to rethink how we spend our time. It’s a chance to wake up and ask, “What do I want to accomplish today?” Perhaps it’s tackling a house project, going for a trail run, or simply spending a lazy afternoon with Luna. Or maybe, just maybe, it’s time to pack up and surprise the kids at college!

But freedom isn’t just about how we spend our time; it’s also about financial flexibility. Whether you’re contemplating a shift from the traditional 9 to 5 or looking to add an extra income stream, have you considered creating a digital course?

Let me introduce you to the magic of digital courses, particularly through Amy Porterfield’s Course Creation Bootcamp. You might be wondering, “Why a digital course?” Well, let me share my experience.

Back in August 2020, I had an idea: “I should create a course to help managers run more effective virtual meetings.” I’d sat through too many unproductive meetings in my career, and as the pandemic pushed teams to work remotely, I saw the need for better virtual communication. I knew I could help managers engage their teams more effectively and make meetings something to look forward to, rather than dread.

Here’s the truth: We all have valuable knowledge to share. Whether it’s perfecting a trail run, teaching new coaches how to lead a sports team, or mastering gluten-free baking, someone out there is looking for that expertise. So, if you’re thinking about diving into the world of digital courses but feel uncertain about where to start, Amy Porterfield’s Course Creation Bootcamp is your guide. Here’s why I’m thrilled I made the leap:

  • Recognizing My Value: Amy helped me uncover skills and knowledge I didn’t even realize I had. The Bootcamp guided me in packaging it all into a marketable course.
  • Overcoming Tech Hurdles: Technology can be intimidating, but the Bootcamp provided the tools and knowledge to create a smooth online course experience.
  • Community Support: The Bootcamp community is filled with like-minded individuals who share, learn, and grow together. It’s like having a supportive team cheering you on, 24/7!
  • Step-by-Step Process: Amy’s Bootcamp isn’t just a quick overview; it’s a comprehensive journey. From brainstorming to launching, every step is clearly mapped out, taking the guesswork out of the process.
  • Financial Flexibility: The additional income from my digital courses has opened up new opportunities—more adventures, college visits, and yes, even splurging on some fancy toys for Luna!

Since then, I’ve created multiple digital courses and even launched a community membership for learning and development professionals. With my digital courses up and running, I’ve tapped into a level of freedom I never imagined. Time freedom to pursue passions, and financial freedom to support them. If you are struggling and overwhelmed with where to start, AI can help! Check out this FREE AI tool to get you started! So, if you’re wondering what your next chapter looks like, remember this: Your knowledge is valuable. Sharing it can enrich others, and with the right guidance (thanks to Amy!), it can transform your life too.