eLearning is a method of delivering information to employees. It’s a great way to share information quickly and easily, but it can be hard for learners to retain that information without any context or human interaction. Here are some strategies you can use to help your employees better retain their eLearning content:

Use microlearning.

“ATD’s microlearning research report found that talent development professionals think that 13 minutes is the maximum amount of time something can last in order to be considered microlearning,” (ATD, https://www.td.org/talent-development-glossary-terms/what-is-microlearning) It is a great way to increase retention because it is short, concise bite-sized content that is based on “need-to-know” not “nice-to-know” concepts you can use it to teach new skills and existing skills, so it’s perfect for eLearning courses that need an update or just want to add more content in general.

Microlearning is also very easy to create, as you don’t need any special software or tools–just a computer and some basic software like Word or PowerPoint will do! We create microlearning anytime a team member has a quick question on something.

Here are a few really quick ones we have recorded:

  • How to upload a SCORM file to SCORM cloud
  • Using the Draw tool in Canva
  • Using the Social Navigator for Social Styles
  • Articulate Rise: Work Faster with Block Templates

Identify a purpose for EVERY graphic element.

When it comes to learning, the combination of text and visuals is ideal. To that end, the visuals need to be very purposeful to the message you are trying to convey. Take a look at a recent course you created. Go to one slide, and for EVERY graphic element, from a line to a shape to a graphic, ask yourself, “What is the purpose of this image?” Is its purpose to capture attention? Help the learner make an inference? Enable the learner to recall information? Evoke emotion? Connect new ideas? Demonstrate a new concept? Whatever your purpose is, be sure that you can articulate WHY you chose the graphic element that you did.

Our favorite design book, Visual Design Solutions by Connie Malamed.

Add gamification to increase engagement.

Gamification is a popular technique that can be used to make learning more fun. It encourages learners to engage with the content, which can lead them to retain more information. Gamification can also help you teach new skills through games. For example, if you want your learners to learn how to use a new piece of software or app, gamifying the process will make it easier for them to remember how everything works once they’re done playing with it.

Remember that repetition is key.

Remember that repetition is key. The more you repeat a concept or idea, the more likely it is that your learners will remember it. If you’re trying to teach something new and your learners are struggling with understanding, try repeating the same concept multiple times throughout your course. It may seem tedious at first, but after a while they’ll get used to it and start remembering what they’ve learned better than before!

With these best practices, you can ensure that your eLearning content is more engaging and effective. Not only will it help learners retain the information better, but it will also increase their chances of applying what they’ve learned in real-world situations.

Share with us your best tip for eLearning retention.