As an instructional designer, I’ve come to realize the immense value of regularly auditing training courses. This process, often overlooked, is a critical step in ensuring that the learning experiences we create are not only effective but also relevant and engaging for our learners. In this post, I’ll share what a training course audit is, why it’s essential to conduct them regularly, and the key aspects you should evaluate during the process.

This week, this is what I am doing, sitting in the back of a hotel conference room, experiencing the class as a student, wearing my instructional design hat, evaluating a 4 day training course.  So, what is a Training Course Audit?

What is a Training Course Audit?

A training course audit is a thorough review and analysis of an learning program. It involves examining the course’s content, structure, delivery methods, and outcomes to ensure they align with the current learning goals, industry standards, and learner needs. Think of it as a wellness check-up for your course, identifying areas of strength and those needing improvement.

Why Regular Audits are Crucial

  1. Ensuring Relevance: Industries and technologies evolve rapidly. Regular audits help ensure that the course content stays current and relevant, providing learners with the skills and knowledge that are in demand.
  2. Improving Quality: Audits allow for a continuous quality improvement process, ensuring that the course meets high learning and development standards and effectively achieves its learning objectives.
  3. Enhancing Learner Engagement: By regularly evaluating and updating the course, you can introduce new training approaches and technologies that can increase learner engagement and satisfaction.
  4. Aligning with Standards: Regular audits ensure that the course remains in alignment with any relevant accreditation standards or professional guidelines.

Key Aspects to Evaluate in a Training Course Audit

  1. Course Content: Evaluate whether the content is accurate, up-to-date, and relevant to the current needs of the industry. Check for any gaps in the material and whether it aligns with the learning objectives.
  2. Learning Objectives: Assess if the learning objectives are clear, achievable, and measurable. Ensure they align with the overall goals of the course and meet the learners’ needs. (Side note: A learning objective that begins with “Understand,” is not measurable and needs to be updated).
  3. Instructional Design: Review the structure of the course. Is the information presented in a logical sequence? Are the instructional methods effective in facilitating learning?
  4. Technology and Materials: Examine the technology and materials used. Are they enhancing the learning experience? Are there newer tools or resources that could be more effective? If the instructor is using a PowerPoint, are they well designed, engaging slides? Are the handouts a true Participant Guide and actually enhance the learning experience, and more than just a printout of the slides?
  5. Assessment Methods: Evaluate the effectiveness of the assessment methods. Do they accurately measure the learners’ understanding and skills? Do they align to the learning objectives and the content? Are there other assessment methods that could be more effective?
  6. Accessibility and Inclusivity: Ensure that the course is accessible to all learners, including those with disabilities. Evaluate whether the course content and delivery are inclusive and culturally sensitive.
  7. Training Delivery: Is the course interactive and engaging? Does the trainer use training best practices when delivering the course, including small group activities and discussions, pair shares, effective use of flipcharts and whiteboards, storytelling, real-world examples, interactive discussions, and effective debriefs.
  8. Feedback and Evaluation: Look at the feedback and evaluation mechanisms in place. Are they providing valuable insights for both learners and instructors? Is there a system for incorporating feedback into course improvements?
  9. Learner Outcomes and Satisfaction: Analyze the data on learner outcomes and satisfaction. Are learners achieving the desired outcomes? Are they satisfied with their learning experience?


Conducting regular audits of your training courses is not just about ticking a box. It’s a proactive approach to ensure that your course remains a dynamic, effective, and valuable learning experience. By focusing on these key aspects, you can enhance the quality of your educational offerings, stay ahead of industry trends, and most importantly, meet the evolving needs of your learners.

Remember, a successful training course is not set in stone; it’s a living entity that grows and adapts, and regular audits are the key to its vitality and relevance.