Clapboard (2)That’s a wrap…another amazing few days meeting new people, reconnecting with old friends, and learning from amazing experts in the field of instructional design and eLearning. The event, which happened to take place in our hometown, Denver, Colorado, was well attended and again proved to have a variety of experts sharing tried and true ideas, as well as, cutting edge new thoughts.

Here is what I loved about this year’s conference:

  1. I loved the hands-on clinics: These are 2 1/2 hours sessions of learning a new tool, technique, etc where you potentially walk away with a finished product of some sort. I literally learned and created an actual functional app that I could sell in the Microsoft Store. This was the highlight for me. I also got to present a hands-on clinic on whiteboard animations. I loved teaching in this format. It was so rewarding to see what participants created in 2 1/2 short hours. Here is the presentation for those of you who couldn’t attend.
  2. I loved the size of this conference. I loved that I would see familiar faces in every session. And because the topic was so focused on “online learning,” everyone attending seemed to have great synergy.
  3. I loved the speed sessions that kicked off the conference. I got to sit with Kevin Thorn, playing with Story Cubes, and got some great new ideas for facilitating meetings, icebreakers, and facilitator led training. I even applied the concept in my hands-on session for people who needed some topic brainstorming help. Thanks, Kevin.
  4. I loved learning about new tools,, Hot Apps including, Explain Everything, Adobe Voice, Sway, and Adobe Premiere Clip.
  • Did you attend this year? What did you think?
  • Have you had similar experiences at conferences?
  • What conferences are next on your list?