COVID-19 has fast-tracked many companies toward virtual instructor-led training (vILT) to move their existing employee training into the digital realm. Virtual instructor-led training can connect learners throughout the country safely, lower your training costs and meet the needs of your business during this challenging time. Before you get started, here are some of the vILT best practices you should be familiar with.

Best Practices for Virtual Instructor-Led Training 

  1. Partner with the Right Team: First, make sure that you choose an experienced virtual learning and training partner to create your vILT. Zenith Performance Solutions works with hundreds of businesses like yours to move trainings online and create dynamic and effective content. Whether you need help finding the right training platform or help with every step of the process, we are here for you.
  2. Make vILT One Piece of the Puzzle: Virtual instructor-led training is a fantastic way to help learners get a grasp on things for the first time or brush up their skills. One way to maximize the potential and efficacy of your vILT is by making it one piece of a bigger puzzle. Research has found that micro-learning can be up to 50% more engaging and do a better job at ensuring the trainees actually learn. Instead of packing everything into one long training, experiment with vILT as one piece of the puzzle.
  3. Pre-Train: Before your employees even enter the virtual instructor-led training, make sure they know the rules surrounding it. If you want to ask them to close other browser windows, set their phones to the side or close email apps, make that known in advance. You should also clearly communicate how they can communicate with the instructor during class, like typing questions in the chat box or using a “raise hand” function. We have created two courses to prepare our learners, “Get to Know Zoom: A Beginner’s Guide” and “Preparing to Learn Online”. To purchase a customized copy for your organization, send us a note.
  4. Know Your Options: One of the biggest virtual instructor-led training mistakes that companies make is not using the capabilities of each platform to the fullest. If your platform offers break-out rooms or polls, know how to use them and when to use them. Changing up the structure of your presentation and surveying all of your options can help you to keep every participant engaged.

Get Help Leading Virtual Teams with Zenith Performance Solutions

Zenith Performance Solutions wants to transform the ways that you and your employees learn. We offer a comprehensive range of training course design services, including updating existing courses and consulting. We work with companies of every size to create innovative and instructionally sound materials that boost employee performance and satisfy your objectives. To learn more, please contact us by calling (970) 409-4013.