What is the most critical step of the eLearning course creation process? If you’re like many business owners, you will answer that question with “creating the content!” However, the most important step comes before that—working sessions. Working sessions, when facilitated by an experienced team like Zenith Performance Solutions, will be instrumental to ensuring your finished eLearning course is packed with value.

What Are Working Sessions?

Working sessions are structured meetings of numerous stakeholders (project managers, department heads, employees, subject matter experts, support partners) that are designed to identify business goals, understand what behaviors you are trying to change, and make decisions regarding the end product, like creating an eLearning course. In the Succession Approximation Model, or SAM, these are called Savvy Starts, but for Zenith Performance Solutions, we customize the working session to meet our client’s needs. Working sessions can last anywhere from a few hours to 1-3 days, can be in person or conducted online via a webinar platform, and, successful ones accomplish all objectives and give value to everyone gathered at the table.

Why Are Working Sessions So Valuable?

  • They’re Meaningful: A facilitated work session will have a set of objectives defined beforehand that directly correlate to the end goal.
  • They’re Organized: These meetings are highly organized and structured to ensure everyone stays on task and goals are achieved. Preparation and follow-up activities are included in working sessions, and everything is facilitated by professionals and stakeholders with clear roles and responsibilities.
  • They’re Collaborative: Are you tired of endless email chains debating the same points or meandering Slack chats? Working sessions give you the opportunity to get everyone who matters in the same place and tackle all of the pressing issues at hand. Their collaborative nature can also allow for input that wouldn’t necessarily come out when reaching out to each expert and person individually.
  • They’re Explorative: Skilled instructional designers, like those at Zenith Performance Solutions, will help your team to work through issues through productive discussions. There is no “answer” that is presented everyone must agree to. Instead, there is plenty of room for exploration and debate to find what should be included.
  • They Foster Accountability: Finally, these meetings foster accountability, as decisions are made by a consensus. While things won’t necessarily be unanimous, the end results that you have will reflect the opinions and expertise of your team members.

Partner with Zenith Performance Solutions 

Zenith Performance Solutions wants to transform the ways that you and your employees learn. We offer a comprehensive range of training course design services, including updating existing courses and consulting. We work with companies of every size to create innovative and instructionally sound materials that boost employee performance and satisfy your objectives. To learn more, please contact us by calling (970) 409-4013.